Thursday, November 26, 1987

Thanksgiving 1987

About to eat turkey
Gran and Neenaw, John and Karen and the kids came to our house on Van Giesen in Richland. Starting at bottom left: Stan, Ernie, Aunt Karen, Uncle John, Gran, Neenaw, me, BC, Dena, Jen, Mel, John, and Jer's little eyeball up front.

Jen, Mel, John
Jeremy, Ernie, Dena

Jen and Mel

Heather, Jen and Mel

Wednesday, November 25, 1987

Carl Byron Dysart, Jr., 1921-1987

Hooked a big one
Grandpa Carl with one of his latest catches.

Mom recently told me that when he and Grandma lived in northern Washington during World War II, they lived next to the water and threw all their vegetable scraps, etc. out the window for the fish. That was the first I'd heard of their ever not living in Walla Walla.

Miss you, Grandpa. Can't wait to see you again.

Sunday, November 8, 1987

Happy Birthday, Gran and Neenaw :)

Mom, Ernie, Neenaw, BC, Mel, Gran
We had a birthday party for Neenaw and Gran at Van Giesen our house in Richland. Something happened to the cake that Mom had to "fix" and it ended up looking interesting.

Ernie, Dad, BC, Mom

Gran, Ernie, Jeremy
... every time I see this picture it cracks me up.

Saturday, October 31, 1987

Homecoming 1987

BC at the Kennewick High Homecoming dance... handsome fella.

Monday, August 31, 1987

Summer 1987

Dena and me
June - we all met in Brookings and had a great time.  I remember this was around Dena's fourth birthday and everyone had agreed to keep her birthday a secret until John and Karen could come back from their trip, but they forgot to tell me.  On the morning of her birthday, I said to Dena, "Hey, it's your birthday today!" and she was so cute. She said, "It IS?"

Lone Ranche Beach
Another picture from this trip - they're hard to see, but from left: April, Aunt Ramona, Neenaw, Dena and Koko dog.

July: Camping

The S boys

The chef
Gran, on that camping trip - wearing his old Allis Chalmers gear.

August: On a picnic, probably at Fishhook Park outside Pasco. LOVE that place. 

Mel, Mom and Dad

Also in August: D Family Reunion
Walla Walla, Washington
Cousin Lynda, me, Cousin Candace

Tuesday, June 30, 1987

Walla Walla Siblings Reunion

The Dysart kids (children of Carl and Ruth) had a reunion this year.

Top row: Uncle Bob, Uncle Leo
Second row: Uncle Birney, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Denton
Bottom row: Aunt Miriam, Aunt Irene, Aunt Lourene, Aunt Genevieve, Aunt Nadine

Monday, May 25, 1987

Memorial Day 1987

Here we are, cleaning and decorating the Keithler graves, something we did every few years. 
The fam!!
Standing: Dad, Aunt Karen, Neenaw, Ernie, Uncle John.  Dena, Jennifer and Melanie are standing in front of them.
Kneeling/sitting: BC, Jeremy, Stanley, John

Thursday, April 30, 1987

Spring 1987

In our rental duplex on Thayer street in Richland.
Laughing it up
Left to right: Elder Southam holding Jeremy, me, Mom holding Koko, Ernie, Dad, Melanie.

I love this picture - we're so color-coordinated, and I have no idea what was so freaking funny but Ernie's face cracks me up every time.

I helped with our school's production of Oklahoma! this year, as rehearsal pianist.  I wish I'd been onstage instead.  :)