Thursday, December 31, 1981

At Grandma Keithler's in Brookings

Guessing on the date. I'm holding Melanie, BC in back, Jeremy and Ernie in front.

Thursday, December 17, 1981

New Cousin Stanley

You know me, I am all about the babies. Here are Stan and me at Neenaw and Gran's house in Brookings. 

Sunday, November 15, 1981

Family Portrait

We had this portrait scheduled the same week that the huge November storm hit in Brookings and we were out of power for a week. The wind blew so hard, several trees right next to our house snapped in half. Scariness. I can't remember where we got ready for this picture - probably at the church or at the Mills'. I was 11, BC was 10, Ernie 6, Jeremy 4 and Melanie almost 2.

Tuesday, September 1, 1981


Me, Ernie, Jennifer, Grandma Keithler holding John, BC,
Aunt Karen, Dad, Jeremy, Neenaw
What I can't figure out is why, in a dry, arid place like Brookings, I'm wearing a yellow tarp, like it's going to rain or something.

Melanie and me at Neenaw & Gran's

On a picnic near Corvallis
Gran (wearing BC's baseball cap), Melanie (in walker), Neenaw (lying down), Ernie (standing), BC (in visor), Dad (looks like Jeremy's in his lap), Mom, me, and is that John in the stripey overalls?

Outside Uncle John and Aunt Karen's house in Corvallis
John holding Jennifer, Karen and me, Gran and Jeremy, Neenaw, Mom and BC, Dad holding Melanie

Neenaw and Grandma Keithler

Back row - Neenaw, Uncle Ernie, Gran, Aunt Karen holding John, Lonnie
Front row - Ernie, me, BC, Jennifer

Back row: Grandma Keithler, Uncle Ernie, Gran, Karen holding John, Lonnie
Front row - me, Jen, BC

Grandma Keithler catching some shuteye at Neenaw and Gran's in Brookings

Sunday, May 31, 1981

Visiting Grandma & Lonnie

I absolutely adored visiting Grandma Keithler and Lonnie at their home in Ridgefield. They had known each other for many years - Lonnie was Grandma's cousin Edith's second husband before Edith died - and were married in Neenaw and Gran's living room when I was six.  Gwenda is the daughter of Grandma's cousin Edith, so she's Neenaw's second cousin and Grandma's first cousin once removed (there'll be a quiz later). 

Lonnie and Grandma spent a few years together here at his home. It's because of these visits and our trips to the family burial plots in the area that I fell in love with Portland and vicinity.

Gran & Neenaw

Quite the group.
Front row from left: Grandma, me, Mom, Jeremy, BC, Neenaw, Gwenda
Back row: Dad holding Melanie, Uncle John, Aunt Karen holding Jennifer