Friday, December 31, 1982


Grandpa and Grandma
7th grade.  Dig the mullet

BC, 6th grade

Ernie, 1st grade
Jeremy, age 5

Melanie, age 3

Thursday, November 25, 1982

Thanksgiving 1982

Do we need a bigger table?
Here we are in our first rental home in Kennewick - we had to move five months later when the owners sold the house.

From left: Stan (high chair), Aunt Karen, Uncle John, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Steve, Mandi, Grandma Dot, me, Mom; Mel's little face in front.

Talk about people you'll never see in the same room again - well, not in this life. :)

Friday, April 16, 1982

Adina Irene Clark Keithler, 1901-1982

Mom, Dad, Grandma and me in her Vancouver home
Holding Stanley at Neenaw & Gran's house in Brookings
Miss you, Grandma.